Friday, August 19, 2011

Self portriats

Self portraits are so intimidating to me.  And why do I always seem to look so sad?! Do I look like that everyday!?! I sure hope not!

Whenever I was assigned a self portrait in art school I cringe.  First off, the idea of a self portrait is so vague.  There are really two kinds of self portraits. One is the actual, literal translation.. a portrait of yourself.  "Great, I have to put myself out there on display for the entire room to judge", I'd think to myself.  Self portraits are very intimate... when they're done correctly.  Another version of a self portrait is something that represents yourself?  There is not one thing that represents me. I am so eclectic and all over the place that no one thing can define me. 

This painting was done with oils and on a very tight time frame.  I am still not completely finished with it. 

Here are some recommended reading materials on the art of the self portrait:

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